we're engaged! ..now what?
As romantics in our own right, we strive to bring your ideas through to fruition in the most personal of ways. We begin over a casual "meet and greet" through too many cups of coffee and meaningful conversation. How did you two meet? What's your story? How can we help your love-story bridge into the "happily-ever-beginning"?
Email, phone, write us a love letter - introduce yourself and what you're looking for. We offer Full-Planning, Day-of-Coordination, and Officiant services. Let us know what you're in need of and we'll continue from there. Best part? Your first consultation is free-of-charge. No harm found in new connection!
When we both find a "perfect match" has been made, your ideal package will be presented based upon the information provided in-congruent to our services. You'll then receive a tailored proposal, designed and written specifically for your big day and vision, and the rest is up to you.
If you'd like to request a standardized package with quotes of our full planning, day-of-coordination, Officiant services, etc. contact us and we'll be more than happy to send the details on over. Do keep in mind, we treat each client as a personal experience and friend-- there is always room for edits, and, we welcome them! After all, this is your day, its our job to make it happen seamlessly.